Martin Hay steps down at Scania
Following more than 30 years service with Scania, Martin Hay has announced his intention to take early retirement. Recruitment...

Were you in London for Honk for Hope? NEW PICTURES
Bus and Coach Buyer contributor David Cole was at the big event, snapping photos of your vehicles as they passed around...

Don’t let up – you have momentum
As I stood on a pedestrian bridge shooting pictures of the Honk for Hope London demonstration, I began recognising faces behind...

London Honk for Hope gets media attention
More than 400 coaches convened on London for the latest Honk for Hope UK protest, which aims to draw the government’s...

London protest likely to set a record
UPDATED WITH ROUTE INFORMATION A third Honk for Hope UK protest targeting central London has got the backing of trade...

‘Finance is available’: Stoke Park
One of the industry’s best-known finance brokers, Stoke Park Finance, has reassured operators that, as income streams...

IoW Tours MD goes live for coaching
Isle of Wight Tours managing director Shirley Winn has just hit the airwaves on behalf of the coach tour industry in broadcasts...

‘We’re Good To Go’ scheme launched
VisitBritain has set up a ‘We’re Good To Go’ covid healthcheck scheme which can be used by tourism businesses...