
Legal opinion: is PPN a lifeline for operators?

It is a difficult time for PSV operators, with the government’s ‘Coronavirus’ advice and guidance changing on a daily, even hourly, basis. PSV operators are, understandably, worried about the implications of Covid-19 on their commercial contracts, and naturally are seeking clarity on their contractual rights under essential business and supply contracts. There may be some […]

TfGM ‘blackmailing’ operators, claims D&G

[2015 Library image above] Director of D&G Buses, Julian Peddle, says that Travel for Greater Manchester is ‘holding a gun to operators’ heads’ and withholding contract payments to force through bus franchising. Julian says TfGM is ‘paralysed’ with indecision, and is failing to keep key workers informed of bus services, and refusing to co-operate with […]