CPT warns of huge port delays
The Confederation of Passenger Transport has warned that, if the UK exits the EU without a deal on 31 October, severe disruption of Channel-bound traffic is likely.
“The most up to date estimates currently modelled by the Border Delivery Group are that during the first three weeks after a no-deal BREXIT the flow of HGVs into and out of the UK will be at 40-60% of current levels. This will mean that the maximum queue of HGVs could be 8,500 vehicles, which will take between 36 and 60 hours to clear,” says the CPT.
Operation Brock aims to queue trucks on the M20 until a carriageway is full, then divert trucks tom Manston Airport. When the M20 is used to queue HGVs the London bound carriageway will become a two lane contraflow in both directions to ensure all other traffic can flow freely.
But the CPT warns: “…there is expected to be significant non-compliance by HGV drivers who will seek to avoid the Brock queues and find other routes to the channel ports. This may lead to a lot of congestion throughout Kent…”
There will be further delays at Dover and Eurotunnel as the Police aux Frontières (PAF) will be undertaking full Schengen area passport checks for individuals entering France. These checks are not undertaken on a regular basis currently, but on the infrequent occasions they do occur queues of all vehicles quickly build up.
CPT is advising operators:
• Provide supplies of bottled water and light snacks on board coaches
• Ensure on board washrooms have water and tank capacity to cope with extended journeys
• Where possible, have a contingency plan for additional comfort stops at locations on-route, especially before the vehicle enters Kent