Coach marketing campaign needs your help
A nationwide marketing campaign to promote the coach sector now requires notifications of support from the industry.
Originally the idea of Candice Mason, Manager at Masons Minibuses and Coaches, marketing agency Made has come onboard to map out the marketing initiative. The campaign is aimed at giving the industry a boost as it pulls itself out of the pandemic.
The campaign is due to see a PR stunt including coaches wrapped with the initiative’s slogan in central hubs across the UK. A mix of TV, radio and print advertising is planned. Advert slots on cable TV and Good Morning Britain are aimed for. The goal will be to attract not only existing coach-users back onboard, but new users too.
Between £100,000 to £150,000 is needed to launch the marketing initiative.
Expressions of interest in supporting the campaign are now being sought. A £950 base-line contribution is being asked for, with higher donations made at individuals’ discretion. If enough money is pledged, then CTA will send out invoices and put the cash in a holding account. If not enough contributions are made or other factors affect the likelihood of the campaign going ahead, money will be refunded.
“On our own, we cannot afford a widespread campaign, but together we can potentially bring this together” – Candice Mason, Manager at Masons Minibuses and Coaches
Speaking during an online meeting to present the marketing initiative, Candice said: “The vision is that we as an industry club together to raise the profile of the coach industry and bring coach to the front of peoples’ minds. On our own, we cannot afford a widespread campaign, but together we can potentially bring this together.
“By everyone contributing we can change perceptions and attract new and wider audiences and increase our bookings. I would love this to happen, but I can’t do it alone. I do need all of you to join me.”
If successful, the marketing campaign could become a regular fixture, according to Candice.
- Register your commitment to the campaign here.