
‘Bus Days’ help London’s disabled

A travel mentoring service helping disabled people make the most of London’s bus network has been rolled out in Sutton. ‘Bus Days’ provide disabled Londoners with the opportunity to experience independent travel on a London bus in a safe and controlled environment. They are a collaboration between TfL, Sutton Community Transport, the Metropolitan Police Safer […]

Cross border crack down

TISPOL (The European Traffic Police Network) held a multi-agency cross border European road policing operation last month on cross border long distance coaches. The operation was coordinated with officers from Belgium, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Romania and the UK. Almost 4,000 vehicles were controlled during the crack down, resulting in 40 counts of irregular immigration […]

Abbotts Solo SR pair

Two 9.7m Optare SlimLine Solo SRs have been added to the fleet of Abbotts of Leeming. They each feature 34 Rescroft CT Lite seats, tip-ups in the wheelchair space, a manual fold-out wheelchair ramp and a six-cylinder Cummins ISBe 201bhp Euro5 engine matched to an Allison 2100 Series fully automatic five-speed gearbox. Optare supplied the vehicles.