Renschler is MAN Chair
Andreas Renschler, member of the Board of Management with responsibility for Commercial Vehicles at Volkswagen AG, has been elected to the Supervisory Board of MAN SE. He will take over as chairman of the body until the end of the current period of office. Renschler was previously in the Daimler AG Board of Management. The long standing chairman Prof Dr Ferdinand K Piech resigned last month (see B&CB 1325 1 May 2015). The Annual General Meeting of MAN SE in Hanover was chaired by Prof. Dr. Ekkehard D. Schulz. It was recently announced that Volkswagen AG, the owners of MAN and Scania, is to create Truck and Bus GmbH, a new holding company for the two commercial vehicle brands (see B&CB 1326, 8 May 2015).