New test rules

From 15 November 2013, new rules on bringing laden vehicles for driving tests start, affecting D1+E (minibus and trailer) and D+E(bus or coach and trailer). According to the DSA, the rules are being introduced in the interests of road safety to more accurately assess the driving of heavier, laden vehicles, which drivers will be in […]

New £1m Scottish community minibus fund and increased CTA cash

A new £1m community minibus fund has been announced by Scottish Transport Minister, Keith Brown. Described as a ‘one-off’ for this financial year, the fund is intended to help CT operators buy new vehicles to expand their services or replace older vehicles. The fund will be jointly administered by the Community Transport Association (CTA) and […]

‘Cautious welcome’ for apprenticeship reform

Sector skills council, People 1st, has expressed a ‘cautious welcome’ to the changes to apprenticeship programmes recently announced by the government. The Prime Minister claims the reformed scheme will bring greater focus on quality for the learner and ease of use for employers. The reformed apprenticeships will be employer led and designed so they respond […]


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