New bus body for Scotland
A new independent body is being established in Scotland to help drive up standards in bus travel and promote the needs of passengers to transport policy makers. Bus Users Scotland will be working with partners across the country including the Scottish Government, local transport authorities and bus operators to support passengers and improve services. The organisation’s aim is to offer bus users the same protection and safeguards already available to rail passengers.
Initially, Bus Users Scotland will establish a head office in Edinburgh, with Bus Compliance officers in various regions of the country and a network of part time, locally based Bus User representatives. Their focus will be on four key areas: compliance monitoring; complaints management; good practice development and advocacy, working with government, local authorities, special interest groups, Transport Scotland and operators to ensure the views and interests of passengers are fully represented. Bus Users Scotland will be part of the Bus Users family, which already has a presence in England and Wales.
Transport Minister, Keith Brown, said, ‘The Scottish Government is committed to getting as many people as possible to use public transport and Bus Users Scotland will make an important contribution to that goal. Their work will help ensure that bus services in Scotland are responsive to passenger needs and that will help build confidence in the sector, encouraging more people in communities across the country to choose to travel by bus.’
Chair of Bus Users UK, Gillian Merron, said, ‘Buses are essential for millions of people in Scotland every day and we are delighted to be working with all of the stakeholders who provide and fund these services.’