More time given for BACKstop survey
The deadline for completing the BACKstop survey has been extended to Monday 30 November 2020 at 5pm.
The BACKstop survey seeks to obtain passenger data and evidence to demonstrate the detrimental effect that the demise of the UK coach sector will have on the wider public and society at large. The survey aims to highlight the essential role of the coach in modern day society and it is intended that the data received will be used to complement requests already submitted to the Government regarding sector-specific support.
BACKstop organisers report they have received an overwhelming response so far, as hundreds of coach businesses have already supplied the requested data. The deadline has been extended to ensure that as many coach operators as possible are given the opportunity to contribute to this united effort to demonstrate the essential services coaches provide to millions of people.
Richard Bamber of Anthony’s Travel said: “It’s truly amazing what you can achieve when you all work together for a common goal. I am receiving numerous calls every day from operators asking me about the BACKstop survey. Some of these are operators I know well but many are operators I have never spoken to before. They are all eager to support the survey and why wouldn’t they? After all, we are all in the same boat and all want the same thing – to secure a future for our industry and, just as importantly, for the millions of passengers we provide essential transport services to each year.”
The survey can be accessed here.