Mayor wants to expand ULEZ to all London

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is asking TfL to consult on expanding the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) London-wide in 2023.

The Mayor believes the long-term and fairest solution to the capital’s air quality challenges will ultimately be smart road user charging. This would enable all existing road user charges, such as the Congestion Charge and ULEZ, to be scrapped and replaced with what the Mayor’s office describes as a smarter, simpler and fair scheme that charges motorists on a per mile basis. This could allow for different rates to be charged depending on how polluting vehicles are, the level of congestion in the area and access to public transport.

Sadiq Khan has asked TfL to start exploring how this concept could be developed, however TfL is still many years away from being ready to implement such a scheme. After being presented with a series of policy options by TfL, the Mayor has chosen expanding the ULEZ.

The ULEZ will be extended to the London LEZ boundary in 2023, subject to a public and stakeholder consultation.

The proposed London-wide ULEZ will be subject to impact assessment, public and stakeholder consultation and confirmation by the Mayor (with or without modifications) in light of consultation responses received. Any new or amended road user charging scheme, if taken forward, would be subject to further assessment and analysis, full equality impact assessments, with potential mitigations and exemptions for disabled people, Londoners on low incomes and additional support for small businesses and charities a key focus.

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