Major investment plan for London buses

TfL and the Mayor of London has set out plans for a major new investment in bus services to help meet the rising demand of the city’s rapidly growing population. To respond to this growing demand, funding for over 500 extra buses is planned over the course of the business plan, which is expected to create additional capacity for an extra 2.9m customer journeys each week. Working with London’s boroughs, an additional £200m will be invested in supporting the reliability of the bus network, which delivers 2.4bn passenger journeys every year. New funding will also support customer focused driver training to improve customer service. The plans are part of TfL’s draft Business Plan, which will be considered at the TfL Board on 10 December.

The extra buses will be used to increase the frequency of bus services and improve transport connections to key growth areas, providing high quality bus routes between new residential areas and local town centres. To boost bus reliability and customer satisfaction and support London’s growth, £200m is being invested in ‘bus priority’ schemes. These will be delivered in partnership with local councils. Improvements will include extra bus lanes, ‘bus only’ turns and the extension of bus lane operational hours. TfL is now working with local London councils to help them propose, develop and introduce such schemes on local roads.

London’s Transport Commissioner Sir Peter Hendy, said, ‘As London’s population grows it is essential that we continue to invest in the transport network to get customers to their jobs and homes and to go about their daily lives. The number of passengers on the bus network is at its highest since 1959 and this investment will help address the growing demand, improving customers’ journeys, bus reliability and customer satisfaction.’

One thought on “Major investment plan for London buses

  1. david wootton says:

    all I can say is lucky Londoners, we live outside a conurbation and so no services after 1900. very limited sunday ones and a railway station that has one train a day one way. no coming back!

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