Ian Luckett appointed CPT President

Director of Lucketts Travel, Ian Luckett, has been appointed CPT President for 2017. He takes over from John Birtwistle, Head of Policy at FirstGroup UK’s Bus Division.

Speaking about his appointment, Ian Luckett said, ‘I am delighted to have been appointed CPT President for the coming year. As a coach operator, I know the challenges faced by our sector and believe that the way to address these difficult issues is through constructive and collaborative working. This will be an exciting and challenging year for the bus and coach industries as we see the progression of policies on ever higher environmental standards, the coming into force of new legislation on local bus services, and of course the triggering of Article 50 which will fire the starting pistol for the UK’s exit from the EU. I look forward to working with CPT staff and members in continuing to make the case for bus and coach travel and the benefits they bring to the national and local economy. I should also like to pay tribute to my predecessor, John Birtwistle, for his commitment to CPT over the last year.’

CPT Chairman, Ian Morgan, said, ‘I am very pleased that Ian has agreed to take on the role of CPT President for the coming year. As a Director of a highly successful family coach operator, Ian already has huge demands on his time so I am very grateful to him for his commitment. I, along with all CPT members and staff, am very much looking forward to working with Ian over the next 12 months. As Chair of CPT’s Coach Commission, Ian’s passion and enthusiasm for the industry is well known and I believe he will be a great ambassador for CPT.’

Ian’s first official engagement was the annual CPT Dinner held at the Lancaster Gate Hotel in London’s West End where his speech set out the challenges and opportunities he saw the industry facing during his year in office. Featured in a short video link presentation, Transport Minister, Chris Grayling, made positive reference to the support the bus industry had given during the Southern rail dispute and also acknowledged CPT’s input to the Bus Services Bill. The Minister was followed by TfL’s Managing Director – Surface Transport, Leon Daniels, who emphasised the work that TfL is doing with CPT in support of coach parking in the capital before issuing a warning on the potential challenges from disruptive technology.

After an excellent dinner, guests were entertained by BBC personality Huw Edwards whose presentation is covered in more detail in this week’s French Connection. A raffle in aid of Transaid with the first prize of a camera drone donated by Stone King, raised over £4300.

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