Healthcare shuttle buses – a missed opportunity?

Could healthcare worker shuttle buses be a missed opportunity in our industry? A study by GOGO Charters, a US-based coach hire specialist, suggests there could be more of a market there than perhaps is granted.

A research guide from the company suggests that a commuting challenge for healthcare workers is drowsy driving. Its data shows 95% of night nurses working 12-hour shifts reported having an automobile accident or near-miss accident while driving home from work. The research cited studies by the International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health that revealed 80% of nurses have disclosed instances of drowsy driving, with some encountering this issue on a daily basis.

Another finding is that 77% of healthcare workers are women, and women are 10% more prone to feel unsafe on public transit than men. The study also took into account the reliability of public transport, which it says can be a serious concern for commuting to and from healthcare work.

GOGO Charters has suggested shuttle services as an ideal solution for healthcare worker transport. The company says it addresses safety concerns, considering passengers travel with colleagues. They should also address the concern over drowsy driving.

Further benefits GOGO Charter highlights include alleviating the stress of commuting, ensuring better rested staff, which it suggests has the knock-on effect of improving job retention. It can also foster camaraderie.

Additionally, employee shuttle programs can be tailored to specific needs of healthcare workers, including accommodating shift changes and providing specialised amenities like reclining seats for some extra sleep.

Although the study comes from a US company, drowsiness knows no borders and findings could well be relevant on these shores.

  • If you have set up healthcare worker shuttle services or have worked in this area, let us know your experiences at [email protected]

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