First invests in Learning Centres

First UK Bus and Unite the Union have announced £120,000 worth of support over three years to improve Workplace Lifelong Learning Centres across the operator’s bus operations. The money is earmarked for improving technology within these facilities, including tablets, laptops and updated software. The first Lifelong Learning Centre was established in 2000 and since then they have grown to number 40, providing over 85% of its 18,000 staff with access. Many of the courses provided are designed to improve numeracy, literacy and IT skills.

FirstGroup’s Head of Learning, Linda Guthrie, said, ‘Across the UK 85% of our staff have access to our Workplace Lifelong Learning Centres. With our partners Unite we’ve invested significantly in these facilities – providing our employees with the opportunity of improving their skills and helping them reach their potential is a key business objective for First.’



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