Coach Awards refocused
The Top UK Coach Driver category of the UK Coach Awards will be split into three categories from next year: the UK’s top Express Driver, Education Driver and Touring Driver. There will be minor changes to other categories too.
UK Coach Awards Chairman, Allan Edmondson, said, ‘This change is designed to acknowledge the varying skill sets required by the widely differing types of work undertaken by our coach companies. Driving express services and trying to keep time on Britain’s congested motorways is a very different task from driving students to and from college; whilst looking after tour and charter customers on an expensive holiday is different again. We felt that it was important to recognise and reward excellence in all three disciplines. The idea was enthusiastically backed by operators at this summer’s Stakeholder Meeting, so we took the decision to implement the idea for 2017. The UK Coach Awards is the only national awards scheme dedicated solely to coach operators and their staff in all types of work. Our categories reflect the diverse skills required to deliver high quality coach operations, not only through smart liveries and good marketing, but also excellent customer service. The right people really do make a difference and we are highlighting this once more in the 2017 competition.’
Public nominations for the driver and operator awards close on 9 December 2016. Entries for all other awards close on 27 January 2017. Judging and mystery shopping will take place soon after, with a shortlist announcement in early March. The awards ceremony will take place on 4 May at the Mercure Piccadilly Hotel in Manchester. Full details of all categories can be found on the website at