Editor’s Blog

Crystal Balls

I was talking to Derek Brumpton of Irizar UK recently. His family used to be coach operators and he told me how, in the early 1980s, his father had said to the salesman delivering his new Plaxton bodied Bedford, that it would be his last new coach because you couldn’t make money with coaches costing […]

Small world

One of the upsides of public transport over using my car is that I can get work done when otherwise my time would be entirely unproductive. The point was emphasised yesterday when, sat on a train heading from Aberdeen to Edinburgh, I was downloading my pictures from the previous 24 hours. On screen came the […]


The news from EvoBus this week that CEO and MD, Jan Aichinger, has left the helm for, as yet undisclosed, pastures new means that Interim MD, Mike Beagrie will be the fifth to hold the position in eleven years with recruiting for a sixth already underway. The number of changes is actually one more than […]

Dark horses

Last week’s visit to Northern Ireland to see all of the latest from Wrightbus was a marked contrast to my first, over 25 years ago, when the company was still in its old premises before the move of the coachbuilding plant to the Galgorm Industrial Estate. On that occasion, the reason for the visit was […]


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