Editor’s Blog

Kids stuff

Frankly, I had expected the public to think better of it and stay in bed but no, there was a crowd assembled, predominantly of children who had brought their parents along, but swelled by dignitaries and local politicians. Lots was going on, it was colourful if damp, and for a while there was a buzz. […]


Arriving from the north, having seen extensive works in progress on the new Forth crossing from the present road bridge, I took advantage of the Park and Ride (P+R) site at Ingliston, one of five strategically placed sites close to the city’s ring road. The site is well used and has the benefit of a […]

From bad to verse

Northampton’s Greyfriars Bus Station didn’t have a lot of friends but it seems the replacement for it isn’t exactly popular either… Roger French will be looking at it in his next French Connection column but in the meantime, why not check out this link for a musical local appraisal of it. https://audioboo.fm/boos/1968249-northampton-bus-station-song I hope you […]

Crystal Balls

I was talking to Derek Brumpton of Irizar UK recently. His family used to be coach operators and he told me how, in the early 1980s, his father had said to the salesman delivering his new Plaxton bodied Bedford, that it would be his last new coach because you couldn’t make money with coaches costing […]

Small world

One of the upsides of public transport over using my car is that I can get work done when otherwise my time would be entirely unproductive. The point was emphasised yesterday when, sat on a train heading from Aberdeen to Edinburgh, I was downloading my pictures from the previous 24 hours. On screen came the […]


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