busworld kortrijk 18-23.10.2013

2 thoughts on “busworld kortrijk 18-23.10.2013

  1. William A Luke says:

    Your new format for Bus and Coach Buyer is most difficult to access. It was so easy before to page through the issue and read the articles as they appeared in the printed versions. I am not a member of facebook or twitter so that may be the problem. I am also in the united states and trying to select items of interest is difficult because some headlines and information is not familiar to me her in the US. I need to see the full article to find out if it is of interest to me. Is there a way I can access the total magazine is before? I am very disappointed with your new format.

  2. jimtipping says:

    Hi William. I’m sorry to hear that, we’ve moved to a new server so you need to re-register to read the online magazine, then you will be able to browse copies just like before, and we’re hoping that it will be a better reader experience.

    The article you’re looking for is in issue 1428 25th October, here’s a link to the online mag: http://www.busandcoachbuyer.com/virtual-magazines/


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