Bus Users UK demand accessible tour coaches
Bus Users UK has called for all coaches to be made accessible, for buses to have only forward-facing wheelchair bays, and for exterior destination announcements on buses and coaches.
The organisation, responding to the PSVAR consultation, claims wheelchair ramps are too steep, in some circumstances, for wheelchair users to board buses and says buses should ‘kneel’ lower. It is asking for wheelchair users on coaches to be given remote controls for reading lights, service buttons and ventilation, and bigger coach wheelchair lifts which can accommodate motorised wheelchairs and carers.
Bus Users UK claims that disabled people have £274 billion spending and that tour operators are missing out on part of it because of accessibility issues, especially which wheelchair accessibility. It suggests ten years as the time frame to bring touring coaches into scope of PSVAR.
BUUK says that the 2026 deadline for express coach services to join the Bus Open Data System (BODS) should be brought forward.
The organisation does, though, as the government to commit to part funding of these changes. It also says that DVSA is under-funded and its officers not trained in accessible design issues.
- The full response can be read here