Best buggies
TfL has published the public’s top five public transport friendly buggies as part of a campaign to help buggy users travel more easily. Over 700 votes were cast based on a shortlist compiled by organisations including Netmums, Mumderground and 4Children. The buggies chosen were considered to be easy to fold, lightweight and manoeuvrable, with the top five being: Mothercare’s XSS Stroller, the YoYo+ 6+ from BabyZen, CuddleCo’s Doona, UPPAbaby’s Cruz and the bee3 from Bugaboo. These are now highlighted on the TfL website to assist people when choosing a buggy. Each winning manufacturer will receive a bespoke ‘public transport friendly buggy 2016’ icon to use on their website. TfL has also created a special ‘top tips’ video which offers advice on bus and Tube travel. It encourages buggy users to make space for other buggies and wheelchair users on buses.