2016 UK Bus Awards launched
The bus industry is being asked to demonstrate how it is rising to the challenges of the modern technology-driven consumer society in the 2016 UK Bus Awards. Nominations are now open for the Awards which have undergone a number of changes including the replacement of the Innovation Award with a new category, New Horizons. Making a return to the competition is the Bus and the Community Award.
Detailed changes have been made to other criteria following feedback from stakeholders and from the panels of independent judges. UK Bus Awards Chairman, Tony Depledge, said, ‘We are determined that the awards should maintain their relevance and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances in the industry and in society as a whole. Our annual review of everything we do is a vital part of that process.’
The closing date for entries is 10 June, with a finalists’ announcement during the first week of October. The annual presentation ceremony is set for lunchtime on 23 November at The Ballroom on London’s South Bank. Visit www.ukbusawards.org.uk for more information and to download nomination forms.