CPT seeks evidence

New CPT President, Chris Owens, has written to the organisation’s members reporting on progress being made to make it difficult for community transport operators to ‘encroach’ on its affiliates’ ‘territory’. CPT is now seeking evidence where its members have lost or are loosing business unfairly to a CT operator. It is taking up a case […]

Bus Users UK refresh

Bus Users UK has refreshed its website (www.bususers.org). The new site has been designed to be more interactive, extensive and user friendly and is intended to reflect the changing shape of the organisation. It carries the organisation’s new logo and strapline: Bus Users – Working for passengers. Users can now enter their complaints online, find […]

Yorkshire free bus cuts planned

Free bus services in Sheffield and Rotherham are planned to be discontinued and the concessionary fare scheme for older people scaled back as transport chiefs look to make budget savings from April. The proposed cutbacks are currently being considered by councillors. They come as South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) and South Yorkshire Integrated Transport […]

London road closures

There will be road closures and traffic disruption in central London from 13 February until 20.00 on 17 February, due to the BAFTA awards ceremony taking place at the Royal Opera House near Covent Garden. Catherine Street, Russell Street, Tavistock Street and Wellington Street will be closed. The coach parking bays in Russell Street will […]


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