Free buses to go

Councillors from South Yorkshire ITA (SYITA) have agreed to discontinue free bus services in Sheffield and Rotherham from the end of April. The FreeBee services are publically funded. The councillors are also to stop the express 638 bus service in Doncaster, which runs weekday peak times between Doncaster’s North and South Park and Ride sites […]

New products pressure Volvo profits

Extra costs associated with a flurry of new products ‘put pressure’ on Volvo Group’s profitability in 2013, according to its President and CEO, Olof Persson. In its third quarter results, the Group’s operating income for 2013 was £672.1m/SEK7,138m (2012: £1,701.3m/SEK18,069m). Its income after taxes was £357.7m/SEK3,802m (2012: £1,070.6m/SEK11,378m). The Board of Directors proposes a dividend […]

Centro savings

Under plans to save £7.3m from its coming year’s budget, West Midlands transport authority (Centro) plans to keep free bus travel after 23.00 for older people, the blind and disabled. Centro has also proposed to safeguard free tram and train travel for eligible people and half price bus fares for children. Councillors are to meet […]

Transport Ticketing Conference and Expo 2014

Many important and influential companies and individuals in the transport ticketing sector gathered at the Business Design Centre in London for the Transport Ticketing 2014 Conference and Expo. This was co-located with Passenger Information 2014, both providing in depth presentations and debates on the latest technology in these areas and best practice in implementing them. […]


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