
CTA Conference

For many, many years I have reported in these columns on the annual Conference of the Community Transport Association (CTA). Sometimes they have been very good, other times they have been very frustrating with lots of airy fairy idealism leaving one with a feeling of a lack of realism. This year’s Conference fell very much […]

E-Leather takes off

‘It’s around £7,000 cheaper to trim a coach in E-leather than traditional leather and you can’t tell the difference when it’s new,’ said Carl Watkins, Sales Manager for E-Leather, adding, ‘you can after 18 months because the E-Leather stays better for longer. E-Leather matures over time and loses its sheen, whereas leather gets shinier.’ The […]

GiTi Tire

Growing an ever stronger foothold in the UK bus and coach industry is the plan at Giti Tire, the company behind the GT Radial brand. We have already brought you news of the company’s new tyre range designed specifically for PCV applications, but with the business now making strides towards achieving a greater share of […]


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