Decline continues
The decline in bus use continues, according to the latest statistics from the DfT. In the year ending March 2016, there were an estimated 5.04bn bus passenger journeys in Great Britain, around two thirds of all public transport journeys. 4.53bn journeys were in England, of which over half were in London, decreasing 2.6% compared with the previous financial year with 119m less using them. There were around 9.9m older and disabled concessionary bus passes in England, with an average of 98 bus journeys per pass per year. Local bus fares in England, in the 12 months to March 2016, increased by 1.8%, similar to the annual all items Retail Prices Index rate of inflation (1.6%).
Bus mileage in England decreased by 2% when compared with 2014/15. According to DfT figures, this was largely due to a 12.3% decrease in mileage on local authority supported services in England outside London. Commercial mileage decreased by 0.8%, a reversal of the recent trend where a decrease in supported mileage has been partially met by an increase in commercial mileage.